Aplington Days canceled; Miss Aplington & Citizen of the Year still on

The Aplington Community Club has canceled the Aplington Days that were to be held June 1 & 2.
However, they will still be hosting the Miss Aplington crowning, Lil Miss & Mr. Aplington, as well as Citizen of the Year.
Eight candidates will vie for the title of Miss Aplington 2020.
Lil Miss & Mr. Contest: Any child age 4-7 (no older than 7 by June 1, 2020) can fill out a form found on the Aplington Community Club Facebook page, or can fill out on paper their name, parents, and age by June 1 and place in the outside drop box at Aplington City Hall no later than May 29. Each candidate will have a sign placed in their yard for recognition.
The crowning of Miss Aplington 2020 will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 31 on the Peppercorn Pantry Patio, weather permitting.
Parents and spectators can park on both sides of main street or can choose to stand on the street with social distancing. Madison Johnson, Miss Butler County and Miss Aplington 2019, will do the crowning.
The Lil Miss and Mr. Aplington will also be announced and drawn by Madison after the crowning.
Last year's Citizen(s) of the Year, Jim Ridder and Paul Jungling, will present the Citizen of the Year after the Lil Miss & Mr. crowning.
We are hoping to share this either on YouTube or Facebook live for all.
This certainly is not how we wanted to start our summer events, but will continue to do our part and abide by COVID-19 regulations. We have also cancelled the garage sales and vendor fair that was to be on June 13.
The Aplington Community Club and Parkersburg Chamber of Commerce are working to put together a fun "Through Towns Parade" on Saturday June 6. Watch the Eclipse and social media for more information.
Just a reminder, if you have not nominated your choice for the Citizen of the Year, please do so and drop off at the Aplington City Hall drop box.
Parkersburg Eclipse News-Review
503 Coates St.
Parkersburg, IA 50665
Phone: 319-346-1461
Mid-America Publishing
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